Susan Cookson-搜索结果

  • 英版同志亦凡人 第二季 Queer as Folk Season 2


    导演:查尔斯·麦克道格, 莎拉·哈丁   编剧:拉塞尔·T·戴维斯

    主演:Clinton Kenyon, Nicholas Riley, Denise Black, Susan Cookson, Antony Cotton, Jonathon Natynczyk, Judy

      Two gay friends, Vince and Stuart, live on a cocktail of sex, drugs and clubbing. They are both 29, and Stuart is the type of guy who cops off every time he goes out. One night, he spots 15-year-old Nathan, and brings him back to his apartment where they make love. Now, Nathan is still after Stuart, but Stuart just thinks of Nathan as one in a long line of one night stands.

  • 英版同志亦凡人 第一季 Queer as Folk Season 1


    导演:莎拉·哈丁, 查尔斯·麦克道格   编剧:拉塞尔·T·戴维斯

    主演:托尼·毛德斯雷, Carla Henry, Ben Maguire, 艾丹·吉伦, 克雷格·凯利, 查理·汉纳姆, 卡罗琳·奥尼尔, 卡罗琳·佩吉, Antony Cotton, 皮特·奥布莱恩, Susan

      Two gay friends, Vince and Stuart, live on a cocktail of sex, drugs and clubbing. They are both 29, and Stuart is the type of guy who cops off every time he goes out. One night, he spots 15-year-old Nathan, and brings him back to his apartment where they make love. Now, Nathan is still after Stuart, but Stuart just thinks of Nathan as one in a long line of one night stands.

  • 大地的女孩 第二季 Land Girls Season 2


    导演:   编剧:Roland Moore

    主演:Becci Gemmell, Susan Cookson, 马克·本顿, Mykola Allen, 索菲·沃德, 乔·伍德考克, 赛琳·希兹利, 连姆·博伊尔